Pictures and texts about the content of the site
You can access the different contents of Anhelit Maailma by clicking on the top bar. This opens the Lila.mag archive, Angrita's world, Maija's art presentation and Piken Kirppis, current news and a blog. The themes of Anhelit Maailma are art, literature, Book Friends' meetings, design, visits to art exhibitions and world phenomena. The site consists of the expertise and interests of the administrators Maija and Pirko. All pictures and writings are produced by them. Lila's previous publications and Angrita's novels can be accessed by clicking on the picture and pressing the go button. In some cases, the button is connected to the picture
Piken Kirppis products change.
Lila.mag's instagram @lila.lilla.mag
Pirkko @pirkor
Maija @maijakorhonen
The story of Anhelit
On these pages you will find the world of Anhelit, which we, the sisters Pirkko Korhonen and Maija Korhonen, have created.
Anhelit is in the Karelian language and means angel. Our mother, Salme Siviä, was born in Vyborg in 1921 and carried Karelianism with her all her life, in her speech, temperament, way of living and being.
We feel that something of the ancient life of Karelia has been preserved in the souls and unconscious minds of both of our siblings. Mother read, wrote, recited poems in Vyborg, enjoyed the hot summers on Tervasaari, visited Terijoki and the monastery on the island of Valamo with her aunt Aura, who had emigrated to America. In the end, she had to leave Vyborg twice. But she never abandoned it.
Anhelit is a changing world. At the moment it is divided into four parts. Lila.mag, Angrita's world and Maija's artistic work presentation and Piken Kirppis.
If you are interested in Anhelit products and Piken Kirppis products, you can inquire about them in more detail by contacting Pirkkoa, pirkkoakorhonen@gmail.com.
Current affairs
It has been our dream to establish our own website and possibly an online store for a long time. Finally, we made it ourselves and manage it exactly the way we want. New technology made this possible.Here we have gathered our years of creative work. The archive of Angrita maailman and Lila.mag. Under the title of the sidebar, you can conveniently find all of Lila's previous magazines and two Angrita novels - My name is Angrita and Angrita maailman.Examples of Maija's paintings and photographs can be found in their own section.The photo gallery contains illustrations related to Angrita's books.In the last corner of the pages, Pike has her Flea Market. There will be clothes, clothes, knitwear, and hats for sale there for a limited time. If you are interested in the product, you can buy it by sending a private message to Pirkko at pirkkoakorhonen@gmail.com. Payment is easy via Anhelit Mobile Pay. Postage and delivery methods are agreed with each person individually.
Lila.mag was born in the summer of 2022 on a hot beach day. Sisters Maija and Pirkko make Lila, whose topics are the siblings' interests. Art, art history, design, cultural history, literature, Book Friends, memories, travels and the world's past as well as interesting phenomena of the present. LIla is published a few times a year and can be found on Lila's own Instagram page @lila.lilla.mag and via this website.
Lila's team also includes Linnea Laakso @linneabeata. She is a literature student. Her columns can be found on Lila's website.
A new Lila always appears on the homepage, and you can explore her world. Currently, you will find six publications and Lila's Christmas greetings. Lilas can be accessed from the links above each Lila homepage. In the video below, Pirkko talks about an article from the spring 2024 magazine, which discusses auto-fiction literature.
You can contact the Anhelit team, Pirkko and Maija, by email at the addresses below. You can also follow us on social media and send us a message,
for example on Facebook or Instagram.Pirkko Korhonen @pirkor
Pirkko Korhonen @pirkor
Maija Korhonen @maijakorhonen